The Film Industry is Changing

For over a century, films have entertained billions of people across the world. This has connected us all with different people and cultures to develop a heightened sense of our shared humanity.
Filmica's platform creates the perfect opportunity for great films from all genres to be made available, unrestrained by any limits, regardless of country, race, language or religious background.
Any film that has ever been made; be that a feature film, a short film, a documentary film or a drama series, can be listed in Film Market and generate revenues infinitely from screening rights, sales and other royalties.
The revolutionary blockchain technology offers almost unlimited possibilities and opportunities to connect, collaborate and create. Since it is a technology based in mathematics, by its nature it makes no distinction between individuals or groups of people.
Filmica makes good use of this technology to include anyone, anywhere in the world. Content creators, film producers, writers, actors, crew, performers, cinemas, TV stations, airlines, organizations, universities, schools, hospitals, film clubs, corporations, societies, community groups and countless other businesses will be invited to join Filmica and be connected to all.